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<봉사자의 글> “Really, Thank You God”

Ellen Choi (밴쿠버밀알 봉사자)

Jun 1, 2018

GO Milal Run 2018 was a wonderful awareness event that took place on April 28th, 2018. As an internal volunteer, it was my first time participating in the volunteering part of the event, and it was a wonderful amazing experience for me. I was part of the Race Team, and as a shift manager everything from the start to the end was full with excitement. Our team had went on several trips to the actual site of the run, planning courses and memorizing routes. I didn’t do a whole lot as most of the work was done by Daniel Shin and other co-directors, but I took part in the course marshal for the 2.5k section of the run. Our team planned positions for external volunteers and created signs for the route. Not only our team, but every tuesdays prayer meetings were held along with director meetings, and I was only able to go twice, but by going I really saw the seriousness of the event and the importance of everyone’s roles. For I could remember, the entire planning of the run event started out all the way from January(in fact, Octover last year), as we internal volunteers were all assigned teams and roles to serve in. It was a very hardworking and long time period especially for the directors of all teams, but as much as they had put in their effort, the event was outstanding.

The actual day of the run unfortunately was of bad weather with rain, but still everyone tried their best to make the best of it and in the end it is safe to say that it was very successful. As much as everyone put in the effort to bring people, there were many volunteers as well as runners. Despite the bad weather, a lot of the runners showed up and same with most of the volunteers. I think our internal volunteers, each and every person did an amazing job on promotions as well as the hardworking the planning of the race. On the day of the event, I was really amazed at all the work that people had put in, and I was especially surprised to such wonderful settings of not only the race part of the run but the fair and stage part as well. Making such an event for the fundraising and raising awareness of disabled people of minority groups really mean a lot, and I think it is very special.

A lot of people, runners and volunteers, came up to me during the event day to tell me how hardworking and amazing all the volunteer and leaders were especially on such a rainy day. I was really touched by these people and really thankful to God, who had been with us through everything. He had helped us from the start - the planning, promoting, creating, mapping, etc. I also really want to thank all the internal and external volunteers that had made all this possible, and most importantly the directors. They had been truly putting in all the effort, and it was very heartwarming to see that. Thank you to Pastor Rhi and Director Ann Rhi that had made all this happen, along with everyone else that had prayed for this event.

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