Love in Action Faith in Motion | Evangelism, Service & Enlightenment for people with special needs

Make A True Change
We always appreciate the generosity and involvement of individuals like you, with every contribution going towards making Wheat Mission Society in Vancouver to better serve the needs of our community.
We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
Supporting and Donation Types
The ways you can support and contribute are including but not limited to the following types.
Individual Support
Monthly or one-time contribution
Event/Program Support
Contributions to events/programs:
Milal Run ($10,000), With-You Concert ($5,000), Camp Agape/Camp Teleios ($5,000) and etc.
Food and Aliment Donation
Places for Events
Medical Service
Donation for Milal Centre
Ways To Give
You can
Email-transfer to OR
Mail a cheque to 'Wheat Mission Society in Vancouver' to 8422 209th St. Langley, BC V2Y 0A3 OR
Contact us for other methods.
We can issue a tax receipt for donation amounts over $20. If you would like to have a tax receipt for your donation, please send a request.